3D character creation, 3D compositing, and animation for Create Your Own Studio
Industry: Creative services, Product design, Audiovisual, Graphic Design

The opportunity
As part of the company's growth and to introduce the new creative area (Audiovisual) when Product Design was the only one, Create Your Own Studio wanted to communicate that from now on, you were able not just to create physical objects, but also "living ones" with motion and audio (regarding the new area). In order to do so, the "Pulgarcito" character was created and animated, from being static in a table to start to dance announcing something new was coming up.

My role
Creative director and producer, together with the studio's 3D modeling, design, and marketing team.

Key contributions
/ Conceived the character's concept and identity.
/ Conceptualized visual direction for the character's main features.
/ Created sketches for concept validation before entering to modeling stage.
/ Supervised production and postproduction processes.

3D model, animation and stills as part of a successful campaign and identity asset for the studio.
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