Creative direction, video production, photography, postproduction, and TEDx 3D logo manufacture for TEDx TecDeMty
Industry: Technology, Education, Design

The opportunity
For TEDx TecDeMty 2021 edition, the pandemic changed the game. This time no physical audience was allowed so a 100% digital solution should be implemented for the project. CYO Studio was called for the task.

The project
For this edition we produced the entire TEDx TecDeMty project for live streaming. From the stage design, illumination, and studio logistics, to the video production and postproduction was our duty.

My role
Creative director and producer, together with a team of creatives, talent, audiovisuals, industrial designers, staff, and the client.

Key contributions
/ Project management and lead, defining with the client its scope, objectives, budget, planning, resources, time, execution, launching, and landing.
/ Creative direction and production.
/ Conceptualized visual direction.
/ Created the 3D TEDx logo structural design and supervised its manufacture.
/ Supervised graphic content generation.
/ Supervised video postproduction.

Successful event delivery, reaching +10k people online with positive production comments and reviews.
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